General Submission Guidelines
Hey Stylists! Shining Nikki fan art community has UPDATED.
From now on, you may submit your artwork to Momo at our website DIRECTLY.
Your artwork can be drawings, cosplay photos, or handcrafts. As usually, Momo will pick his favorites and share them with all stylists in our community! Excellent pieces might also be recommended and presented on our front page.
If your artwork gets picked, you will receive an email and a pink gem gift package from Momo.
Your work might even be featured on our official Facebook page and Twitter (of course we will credit you for the amazing work!)

Submission Guideline:
1. Log in and complete your profile FIRST.
Make sure you have linked your player ID to the account that you use to upload your artworks!
2. Click the "Upload" button at top-right of website.
Fill in all the necessary information there and submit your masterpieces.
3. If your creation gets picked by Momo, you will receive an e-mail and a notification at Fan Art Community, which include the URL of your artwork.
Please note:
*You are allowed to revise your information only ONCE at the profile page.
*The pink gem gift package will be directly to your in-game mailbox at the end of every month. Momo recommends you double check if you have entered your player ID correctly.
Important Notices about Artwork:
1. Do not include anything inappropriate or offensive in your artwork, including but not limited to contents that are anti-social, political, violent, or pornographic.
2. Please create ORIGINAL work. Do not copy from others.
3. Your work has to be related to the Shining Nikki game. Anything off-topic will not be chosen.
4. Only submit finished work. Creating series is not allowed in this community.
5. If you are submitting a picture, make sure it is no larger than 10M. Also, we suggest that artists submit completed work rather than drafts.
6. One person can only receive a maximum of 5 pink gem gift packages from Momo each month.
7. Please note that currently we do not accept AI artwork. If your submission is judged or reported by another user as AI artwork, your work may not pass the screening process or may be taken down from the site. In order to prevent misjudgment, we recommend you to keep some record of your creation during the painting process (For example, screenshots or photos from the creation process, PS layers, or other content), which can fully explain the original innovation of your work.